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Fun & Creativity



  • Babies are sensory beings and they take in information from their environment – so your  job as parent or caregiver is to simply provide a rich environment of music and movement.

  • Toddlers crave the familiar: the same story, the same song…repetition is comforting and transitions are hard. That is why the Hello Song and Goodbye Song are so important to sing in every Music Together class! 

  • When listening to the CD in the car, you may be surprised to hear rhythm or tonal patterns being echoed from the car seat!

  • As a 3 year old grows, balance improves and she may increasingly be able to walk or dance to the beat of the song she is hearing.

  • Preschoolers look to be praised for their abilities and often share ideas for movements and new song lyrics to the music together songs.


This stage builds on action in the development of thinking during the first 18 months. From this perspective, newborns initially have no self-consciousness and no clear awareness of any effects they produce. By coordinating their actions on objects, often in social interactions, they develop a sense of themselves and how they relate to people and things.


As children develop, they learn to listen and understand language. Below you will find a summary of the receptive language skills children generally attain at key milestones in their development.

Language learning starts at birth. Even new babies are aware of the sounds in their environment. They listen to the speech of those close to them, and startle or cry if there is an unexpected noise. Loud noises wake them, and they become still in response to new sounds.


  • Numeracy is the ability to recognise and apply maths concepts in all areas of life.

  • Everyday activities like counting, looking at shapes, and talking about sizes can help children develop early numeracy and maths skills.

  • You can build children’s numeracy and math's skills through play. Try singing number songs and sorting toys together.

Outside Play

“It’s a beautiful day, get outside and enjoy it!”

How many times have you heard this throughout your life? Probably a lot! It’s a part of human nature to enjoy the great outdoors (when the weather is to our liking, of course). But did you know being outside can have actual benefits for your child’s development?

Playing in nature can help children of all ages with their motor skills, communication, social-emotional skills, sensory integration, and so much more!

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